Covid police hit country town shopper $5,600

Letter to the Editor

“My wife was just fined $5,600 for “gathering at a shop during lockdown while shopping for food with her mother, in a small country town”

This reader will not be voting the Australian duopoly back to our parliament allowing continuance of entrenched ALP/LNP dictatorship that unlawfully replaced our rightful democracy.

About Editor, cairnsnews

One of the few patriots left who understands the system and how it has been totally subverted under every citizen’s nose. If we can help to turn it around we will, otherwise our children will have nothing. Our investigations show there is no ‘government’ of the people for the people of Australia. The removal of the Crown from Australian Parliaments, followed by the incorporation of Parliaments aided by the Australia Act 1987 has left us with corporate government with policies not laws, that apply only to members of political parties and the public service. There is no law, other than the Common Law. This fact will be borne out in the near future as numerous legal challenges in place now, come to a head soon.


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