H-coin exceeded $10 in just 48 hours after listing and achieved its total market capitalization into most significant in the global virtual currency market

Translated by: MOS Gospel Team – lilian89

On November 3rd, immediately after 9 a.m., H-coin’s price reached $10.544, making its circulating market capitalization jump to 13th place in the virtual coin trading market. Its total market capitalization ranked first in the world. Such rapid achievement that H-coin reached in less than 48 hours broke records of any launched virtual coins.

The legal authority to issue a currency is one of the essential supremacy of the New Federal State of China (NFSC). 

Mr. Miles Guo predicted in a live video broadcast on November 3rd that the H-coin IPO would terminate the Wall Street capital monopoly over global finance and make Wall Street more nervous rather than the CCP.

The legal authority to issue a currency is one of the essential supremacy of the New Federal State of China (NFSC). The Himalaya Federal Reserve is the NFSC financial reservoir. When the inevitable economic crisis sweeps the world, large capitals will flow into the Himalaya Federal Reserve and stand with the New Federal State of China.

Proofread by: Wenfei

Edited by: Wenfei

Posted by: Wenfei

Reference: https://gnews.org/zh-hans/1640167/

Disclaimer: This article only represents the author’s view. Gnews is not responsible for any legal risks.

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